Sql Server

Training Program

Learn Directly From Expert
Live Zoom Session
6 Weeks Duration
10-15 Batch Size
Practical Approach
Live Zoom Session
6 Weeks Duration
10-15 Batch Size
Practical Approach

What Our Traniees Say ?

About This Program

Logical Reasoning Business Models Data Analysis Database Structures Script Automation Data Querries Data Interpretation

Our SQL Training Program is designed to provide you with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in SQL, the standard language for interacting with relational databases. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced professional, this program will equip you with the essential SQL skills needed to excel in your career.

What sets our SQL Training Program apart is its hands-on approach. We believe that practice makes perfect, so we have carefully curated a series of interactive exercises and real-world use cases to reinforce your learning. Through this methodology, you will gain valuable experience in writing SQL queries, managing databases, and manipulating data efficiently.

Certified Training Program

Interactive Sessions

Programme Fee

Limited Batch Size

Become Industry Ready

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

Write complex queries

Think logically to get the required output

Things that you couldn't do in Excel

Write a script to automate the task

Able to create your function and store procedure

Whom is the Program for?

The program is designed for anyone from any domain who seeks to become skilled in SQL. If you are looking for a program to make you work-ready then this is for you. Only 10-15 members per batch, so apply soon.

Join our online batch to become a Data Expert

Introduction to SQL and Its Uses , Understanding Databases,Database Structure

  • What is SQL?
  • Real-world applications of SQL
  • The role of SQL in data management
  • What is a Database?
  • Components of a Database System
  • Types of Databases
  • Real-world examples of databases
  • Tables, Rows, and Columns
  • Primary Keys and Foreign Keys
  • Indexes ,Schema
  • Real-world database structures

Data Modeling and Normalization , Constraints, Data Types, and Table Columns , Data Definition Language (DDL) Statements

  • Data Modeling Basics
  • Normalization and its importance
  • Denormalization it?
  • Real-world data modeling scenarios
  • Constraints (Primary Key, Unique, Check)
  • Common Data Types
  • Working with Table Columns
  • Real-world examples of constraints and data types
  • Creating Tables ,Modifying Tables,Dropping Tables
  • Real-world DDL usage

Data Manipulation Language (DML) Statements,Data Query Language (DQL) Statements ,Choosing the Right Data Types and Constraints

  • Inserting Data , Updating Data , Deleting Data
  • Real-world DML operations
  • Selecting Data , Filtering Data , Sorting Data
  • Real-world querying scenarios
  • Importance of Data Type Selection
  • Performance implications
  • Choosing the right constraints
  • Real-world considerations
  • Performance implications

Naming Conventions and Their Impact,Views , Data Insertion Techniques ,Simple Select Statements

  • Naming Best Practices
  • Impact on Maintainability
  • Real-world naming scenarios
  • What is a View?
  • Creating and Using Views
  • Advantages of Views
  • Real-world view usage
  • INSERT statement variations
  • Bulk Data Insertion
  • Real-world data insertion scenarios
  • Filtering Data with WHERE
  • Real-world use cases of SELECT

Joins,Filtering Data with WHERE Clause , GROUP BY and Aggregate Functions , In-built Functions

  • Understanding JOINs
  • Real-world JOIN examples
  • Conditional Filtering
  • Combining Conditions
  • Real-world filtering scenarios
  • GROUP BY Clause
  • Aggregating Data (SUM, AVG, COUNT, etc.)
  • Real-world GROUP BY usage
  • String Functions ,Numeric Functions ,Date Functions
  • Real-world use cases for built-in functions

User-Defined Functions (UDFs) ,Cross Apply and Subqueries, Recursive Functions and CTEs of SQL

  • Creating UDFs, Using UDFs
  • Real-world UDF examples
  • Understanding Subqueries
  • Working with Subqueries
  • Real-world scenarios using Subqueries
  • Recursive Queries
  • Common Table Expressions (CTEs)
  • Real-world examples of recursion
  • Common Table Expressions (CTEs)

Conditional Logic and UNION , Control Flow (IF-ELSE, WHILE) , Variables

  • CASE Statements
  • Using UNION
  • Real-world applications of conditional logic
  • IF-ELSE Statements
  • WHILE Loop
  • Real-world use of control flow
  • Declaring and Using Variables
  • eal-world variable usage

Stored Procedures , Error Logging and Handling , Transaction Control Language (TCL)

  • Creating and Using Stored Procedures
  • Advantages of Stored Procedures
  • Real-world scenarios for using Stored Procedures
  • Error Handling Basics
  • Real-world error handling scenarios
  • Real-world transaction scenarios

Join our online batch to become a Data Expert


At the end of the training program, you will receive a completion certificate to mark your achievement. The certificate can be printed out like a hard copy or given digitally according to your requirement. You can link it to your professional LinkedIn accounts which can be listed in your resume..

Meet our founder and your trainer!

Industry Expert Trainer

Hey! I am the founder of Kantascrypt. I have 8+ years of experience in building end-to-end applications using SQL as the database. I came up with program to train data enthusiasts in SQL.

Industry Specific Scenarios

This is a program where theory meets practice. Join this program if you want to learn, understand and use SQL. We have completed several batches and hoping to help many others!

Frequently Asked Questions

There will be 2 session each 2hrs ,live on Zoom along with assignments that might take around 2-4 hr as well.

SQL is not bound to IT people only, many from banking & Account sector also learn SQL. To upgrade from Excel ,If you like Data & Analysis then SQL is for you.

The timings for the online session varies based on your batch. But it will be 2 Hr session and weekly there will be 2 sessions.

No sorry , We created this Program to share our individual experience and prepare you .We donot provide any placement services.

Get Ahead in Your Career with Our SQL Training Program!

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