Chapter 11: Views

1. What is a View?

In Microsoft SQL Server, a view is a virtual table created by defining a query in the database. Unlike physical tables, views do not store data themselves; instead, they display data from one or more underlying tables. Views can be queried like regular tables, making them a powerful tool for data manipulation and security.

2. Creating and Using Views

Creating a Simple View:

Example :

Creating a View
CREATE VIEW ActiveEmployees
AS SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName
FROM Employees WHERE IsActive = 1;

In this example, a view named "ActiveEmployees" is created to display active employees' data from the "Employees" table.

Using a View:

Example :

querying a view
SELECT * FROM ActiveEmployees;

You can query the "ActiveEmployees" view just like a regular table, simplifying complex queries and improving query readability.

3. Advantages of Views

Benefits of Using Views:

  • Simplified Queries: Views abstract the underlying complexity of SQL queries, making them easier to read and write.
  • Data Security: Views can restrict access to specific columns, providing data security by exposing only relevant information to users.
  • Data Abstraction: Views allow you to present data in a more logical or business-oriented manner, abstracting away complex joins or transformations.
  • Consistency: Views ensure consistent access to data, reducing the risk of errors in queries.

Example :

Using a View to restrict access
CREATE VIEW CustomerData
AS SELECT CustomerID, FirstName, LastName,Email
FROM Customers;

4. Real-world View Usage:

  • Order History: Create a view that combines data from "Orders," "Products," and "Customers" tables to provide a comprehensive order history for customers.
  • Sales Dashboard: Build views to summarize and visualize sales data, making it easier for managers to track performance.
  • Employee Directory: Use views to present employee details while hiding sensitive information like Social Security numbers.
  • Salary Reports: Create views for generating salary reports, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access compensation data.

5. Key Takeaways:

  • A view is a virtual table that displays data from one or more underlying tables.
  • Views simplify complex queries, enhance data security, and provide data abstraction.
  • Real-world scenarios benefit from views for presenting data logically and ensuring consistent access.

6. Exercise Questions:

  1. Create a view named "HighValueProducts" that displays products with prices greater than $100 from a "Products" table.
  2. Explain how views can enhance data security in a healthcare database by hiding sensitive patient information.
  3. Design a view to summarize monthly sales data from an "Orders" table, showing total sales for each month.
  4. Describe the advantages of using views to provide an employee directory in a large organization.
  5. In a library database, create a view that combines data from "Books," "Authors," and "Borrowers" tables to show a list of borrowed books along with borrower details.
  6. Discuss the performance implications of using views, especially when dealing with large datasets and complex queries.
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