Chapter 25: Error Logging and Handling in Microsoft SQL Server

Error handling is a critical aspect of database development in Microsoft SQL Server. In this chapter, we'll explore the basics of error handling, the use of the TRY...CATCH construct, real-world scenarios for error handling, and provide examples.

1. Error Handling Basics

In SQL Server, errors can occur during the execution of queries, stored procedures, or other database operations. Error handling involves capturing and responding to these errors.

Raising an Error:

Example :

raising a custom error
-- Perform database operations
-- If an error occurs:

RAISEERROR(N'An error occurred during the operation.', 16, 1) END

Example :

Handle the error PRINT N'Error Number:

In this example, we use the RAISEERROR function to raise a custom error within a TRY...CATCH block.


The TRY...CATCH construct in SQL Server allows for structured error handling. It provides a way to catch and handle errors gracefully.

Basic Structure of TRY...CATCH:

Example :

-- Code that may cause an error

-- Code to handle the error

3. Real-world Error Handling Scenarios

  • Data Validation:
    • Input Validation: Implement error handling to validate and reject invalid user input.
    • Data Integrity: Use error handling to prevent data integrity violations, such as duplicate key inserts.
  • Transaction Processing:
    • Rollback Transactions: Handle errors by rolling back transactions to maintain data consistency.
    • Logging: Capture error details in a log table for auditing and troubleshooting.
4. Key Takeaways
  • Error handling in SQL Server is essential for gracefully handling unexpected issues during database operations.
  • The TRY...CATCH construct provides a structured way to capture and manage errors.
  • Real-world scenarios for error handling include data validation, transaction processing, and logging.
5.Exercise Questions
  1. Create a stored procedure that attempts to insert duplicate data into a table and handle the error using the TRY...CATCH construct.
  2. Develop a script that validates user input for a password change operation, ensuring it meets security requirements, and handles validation errors.
  3. Implement a transaction that involves multiple database operations and use error handling to roll back the transaction if an error occurs.
  4. Discuss the importance of logging error details for auditing and troubleshooting in a production SQL Server environment.
  5. Explain the advantages of structured error handling with TRY...CATCH compared to traditional error handling methods.
Stored Procedures in Microsoft SQL Server

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