Chapter 12: Data Insertion Techniques

1. INSERT Statement Variations

The INSERT statement in Microsoft SQL Server is used to add new rows to a table. There are several variations of the INSERT statement to accommodate different data insertion scenarios.


Basic INSERT Statement
INSERT INTO Employees (FirstName, LastName)
VALUES ('John', 'Doe');

This is an example of a basic INSERT statement that inserts a new record into the "Employees" table with values for the "FirstName" and "LastName" columns.


INSERT INTO NewCustomers (FirstName, LastName)
SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM OldCustomers WHERE RegistrationDate >= '2023-01-01';

This query inserts data into the "NewCustomers" table by selecting records from the "OldCustomers" table that meet a specific condition based on the registration date.

2. Bulk Data Insertion

The INSERT INTO statement in Microsoft SQL Server is used to add new rows to a table. There are several variations of the INSERT statement to accommodate different data insertion scenarios. For inserting large amounts of data efficiently, SQL Server offers techniques like the INSERT INTO ...VALUES , INSERT INTO ... SELECT , and BULK INSERT statements.



The BULK INSERT statement allows you to insert data from an external file, like a CSV, into a table named "Products."

3. Real-world Data Insertion Scenarios

E-commerce System:
  • New Orders: Use the basic INSERT statement to add customer orders to the "Orders" table when customers make purchases.
  • Bulk Product Imports: Utilize BULK INSERT to efficiently load product data from a supplier's CSV file into the "Products" table.
Inventory Management System:
  • Stock Updates: Perform batch updates to the "Inventory" table using INSERT INTO ... VALUES when new stock arrives.
  • Data Migration: Migrate large datasets from legacy systems to SQL Server using BULK INSERT for better performance.

4.Key Takeaways

  • The INSERT statement in SQL Server is used to insert data into tables.
  • INSERT can be combined with SELECT for more complex data insertion scenarios.
  • For bulk data insertion, SQL Server provides the BULK INSERT statement, which is efficient for large datasets.

5. Exercise Questions:

  1. Insert a new product into the "Products" table with a product name of "Widget" and a price of $19.99.
  2. Transfer all records from the "OldInventory" table to the "NewInventory" table using an INSERT INTO ... SELECT statement.
  3. Describe a real-world scenario where you would use BULK INSERT to load data into a SQL Server database.
  4. Insert a new employee into the "Employees" table with first name "Alice" and last name "Johnson" using a basic INSERT statement.
  5. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using the INSERT INTO ... SELECT statement for data insertion compared to the basic INSERT statement.
  6. Explain how you would handle data validation and error handling when performing bulk data insertion with BULK INSERT from an external file.

In Microsoft SQL Server, a view is a virtual table created by defining a query in the database. Unlike physical tables, views do not store data themselves; instead, they display data from one or more underlying tables. Views can be queried like regular tables, making them a powerful tool for data manipulation and security.

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Simple SELECT Statements

The SELECT statement in Microsoft SQL Server is the foundation of retrieving data from one or more tables. It allows you to specify which columns you want to retrieve and which tables you want to query.

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