Chapter 22: Control Flow (IF-ELSE, WHILE)

Control flow statements, including IF-ELSE and WHILE loops, are valuable tools in Microsoft SQL Server for executing conditional logic and iterative processes within SQL queries. In this chapter, we'll explore the usage of IF-ELSE statements, WHILE loops, and their real-world applications.

1. IF-ELSE Statements

The IF-ELSE statement in SQL Server is used to conditionally execute one or more SQL statements based on a specified condition.

Basic IF-ELSE Structure:

Example :

An IF-ELSE statement
DECLARE @OrderTotal DECIMAL(10, 2)
@OrderTotal = 150.00
IF @OrderTotal > 100.00
PRINT 'Free Shipping Eligible'

In this example, an IF-ELSE statement determines whether an order is eligible for free shipping

2. WHILE Loop

The WHILE loop in SQL Server allows you to execute a block of SQL statements repeatedly as long as a specified condition is true.

Basic WHILE Loop Syntax:

Example :

content WHILE loop
@Counter = 1 WHILE @Counter <= 5
PRINT 'Iteration ' + CAST ( @Counter AS VARCHAR(10) )
SET @Counter = @Counter + 1

This WHILE loop iterates five times and prints a message for each iteration.

3.Real-world Use of Control Flow

Inventory Management System:

  • Stock Replenishment: Use IF-ELSE statements to determine when to reorder products based on inventory levels.
  • Inventory Count: Implement a WHILE loop to count and update inventory quantities in batches.

Customer Relationship Management:

  • Customer Segmentation: Apply IF-ELSE statements to categorize customers into different segments based on their purchase history and preferences.
  • Email Campaigns: Use a WHILE loop to send personalized emails to a targeted group of customers.

4. Real-world View Usage:

  • Order History: Create a view that combines data from "Orders," "Products," and "Customers" tables to provide a comprehensive order history for customers.
  • Sales Dashboard: Build views to summarize and visualize sales data, making it easier for managers to track performance.
  • Employee Directory: Use views to present employee details while hiding sensitive information like Social Security numbers.
  • Salary Reports: Create views for generating salary reports, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access compensation data.

4. Key Takeaways:

  • IF-ELSE statements in SQL Server allow you to execute different code blocks based on conditional expressions.
  • WHILE loops enable repetitive execution of SQL statements while a specified condition is true.
  • Real-world scenarios benefit from control flow for decision-making and iterative processes.

5. Exercise Questions:

  1. Write a SQL script that calculates the total cost of items in a shopping cart, applying a 10% discount if the total is above $100.
  2. Create a WHILE loop to simulate a simple game where a player accumulates points until they reach a certain score.
  3. Use IF-ELSE statements to categorize employees into "Junior," "Intermediate," and "Senior" levels based on their years of experience.
  4. Develop a WHILE loop that processes a queue of customer support tickets, sending automated responses until the queue is empty.
  5. Explain the advantages of using control flow statements like IF-ELSE and WHILE loops in SQL for decision-making and repetitive tasks.
  6. Discuss potential performance considerations when using control flow statements, especially in SQL Server, for handling large datasets and
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