Chapter 24: Stored Procedures in Microsoft SQL Server

Stored Procedures in Microsoft SQL Server are precompiled SQL statements that can be executed with a single command. In this chapter, we'll explore the creation and usage of stored procedures, their advantages, and real-world applications.

1. Creating and Using Stored Procedures

Creating a Stored Procedure:

Example :

Creating a View
@EmployeeID INT

SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE EmployeeID = @EmployeeID

In this example, we create a stored procedure named GetEmployeeDetails that accepts an @EmployeeID parameter.

Executing a Stored Procedure:

Example :

Executing a Stored Procedure:
EXEC GetEmployeeDetails @EmployeeID = 123

We execute the stored procedure by providing the required parameter value.

2. Advantages of Stored Procedures

Improved Performance:

  • Precompiled Execution: Stored procedures are precompiled, leading to faster execution times compared to ad-hoc queries.
  • Reduced Network Traffic: Only the procedure call and result set are sent over the network, reducing data transfer.

Enhanced Security:

  • Access Control: Permissions can be granted for executing stored procedures while restricting direct table access.
  • Data Protection: Sensitive data can be accessed and manipulated through controlled procedures.

Code Reusability:

  • Modular Code: Stored procedures promote code modularity and reusability by encapsulating logic.
  • Maintenance: Changes can be made to the stored procedure code without affecting the application.

3. Real-world Scenarios for Using Stored Procedures

4. Real-world View Usage:

  • Order History: Create a view that combines data from "Orders," "Products," and "Customers" tables to provide a comprehensive order history for customers.
  • Sales Dashboard: Build views to summarize and visualize sales data, making it easier for managers to track performance.
  • Employee Directory: Use views to present employee details while hiding sensitive information like Social Security numbers.
  • Salary Reports: Create views for generating salary reports, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access compensation data.

4.Key Takeaways

  • Stored procedures in SQL Server are precompiled, reusable SQL code blocks.
  • They enhance performance, security, and code modularity.
  • Real-world applications include order processing, transaction handling, and user management.

5.Exercise Questions

  1. Create a stored procedure that accepts a product category name and returns all products within that category.
  2. Develop a stored procedure for updating customer addresses based on their postal codes.
  3. Design a stored procedure for calculating the total revenue for a specific product over a given time period.
  4. Explain how stored procedures improve security in SQL Server compared to executing ad-hoc queries.
  5. Discuss the advantages of code reusability and maintenance offered by stored procedures in SQL Server.
  6. Describe potential performance benefits of using stored procedures in scenarios with high query frequency and large datasets.
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